
version added: 1.0.0.



In browser environments, this object is populated with the URL parameters in the current query string. If the location global is not available, the object remains empty.

This is designed for use with QUnit.config.urlConfig, to access the value of your toolbar control.

Values are parsed as follows:

  • true, boolean true if the key is set without a value.
  • string, if the key is set once with a value.
  • string[], array of strings if the key is set more than once.
// test/index.html?foo&bar=1&thing=xx&thing=yyy

QUnit.urlParams.foo; // true
QUnit.urlParams.bar; // "1"
QUnit.urlParams.thing; // [ "xx", "yyy" ]


UNRELEASED Available unconditionally.
QUnit 1.23.0 Now undefined in non-browser environments.
QUnit 1.0.0 Introduced.

See also