
version added: 1.0.0.


QUnit.test( name, callback )

Define a test using QUnit.test().

parameter description
name (string) Title of unit being tested
callback (function) Function that performs the test

Callback parameters

parameter description
assert (object) An Assert object

The assert argument to the callback contains all of QUnit’s assertion methods. Use this to make your test assertions.

QUnit.test() can automatically handle the asynchronous resolution of a Promise on your behalf if you return a “then-able” Promise as the result of your callback function.

See also:


QUnit 1.16 Added support for async functions, and returning of a Promise.


Example: Standard test

A practical example, using the assert argument.

function square (x) {
  return x * x;

QUnit.test('square()', assert => {
  assert.equal(square(2), 4);
  assert.equal(square(3), 9);

Example: Async test

Following the example above, QUnit.test also supports JS async functions syntax out of the box.

QUnit.test('Test with async-await', async assert => {
  const a = await fetchSquare(2);
  const b = await fetchSquare(3);

  assert.equal(a, 4);
  assert.equal(b, 9);
  assert.equal(await fetchSquare(5), 25);

Check out the Step API as well. If your async test involves capturing values from an event or async callback, then adopting the assert.step() allows for clean test code, that is robust and strict against false positives.

Example: Test with Promise

In ES5 and older environments, you can also return a Promise from your standard test function. This also supports other then-able, values such as jQuery.Deferred, and Bluebird Promise.

This example returns a Promise that is resolved after waiting for 1 second.

function fetchSquare (x) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve) {
    setTimeout(function () {
      resolve(x * x);
    }, 1000);

QUnit.test('Test with Promise', function (assert) {
  return fetchSquare(3).then(function (result) {
    assert.equal(result, 9);