
version added: 1.0.0.


QUnit.dump.parse( data )

Extensible data dumping and string serialization.

name description
data Data structure or object to parse.

This method does string serialization by parsing data structures and objects. It parses DOM elements to a string representation of their outer HTML. By default, nested structures will be displayed up to five levels deep. Anything beyond that is replaced by [object Object] and [object Array] placeholders.

If you need more or less output, change the value of QUnit.config.maxDepth, representing how deep the elements should be parsed.


QUnit 2.1 The QUnit.jsDump alias was removed.
QUnit 1.15 The QUnit.jsDump interface was renamed to QUnit.dump.
The QUnit.jsDump alias is deprecated.


The following is an example from grunt-contrib-qunit, which sends results from QUnit (running in Headless Chrome) to a CLI tool.

QUnit.log(function (obj) {
  var actual;
  var expected;

  if (!obj.result) {
    // Format before sending
    actual = QUnit.dump.parse(obj.actual);
    expected = QUnit.dump.parse(obj.expected);

  // ...

This example shows the formatted representation of a DOM element.

var qHeader = document.getElementById('qunit-header');
var parsed = QUnit.dump.parse(qHeader);


// Logs: '<h1 id="qunit-header"></h1>'

Limit output to one or two levels

var input = {
  parts: {
    front: [],
    back: []
QUnit.config.maxDepth = 1;
// Logs: { "parts": [object Object] }

QUnit.config.maxDepth = 2;
// Logs: { "parts": { "back": [object Array], "front": [object Array] } }